Well, the last exam is getting near... not much time left. So, more DQ VI today. Turns out the golden rule for this game is: Talk With Everyone. Yes, everyone. That old lady or that guy with glasses might have the clue you need to go on. As ordinary and boring as they may look.
Like today. I'd just arrived to Leylock from San Marino (the port I was stuck in) after watching a small love story and talking to the other Hassan's parents. Till I did that, the sailors wouldn't stop preparing the ship and letting me board, when I just asked myself "what do I do now?".
Well... after much walking here and there, I finally find someone who says "Hey, you look a lot like the prince! Are you him?". If you say Yes, he'll be surprised for a sec, then say "Nah, you're not him... but I'm sure you'll fool everyone if you had better clothes!".
Guess where those clothes are. Yes, right in the armor shop, under the name "Nobleman's Clothes" (Kizoku no Fuku). You buy them, and let Muraki (main char) equip them. Then off you go waltzing into the castle. Until the chancellor (I think), Genban, notices you're a fake by asking you the name of the sister who died when the prince was little. (It's impossible to get it right; tried it, trust me xD). Then you get kicked out.
After some wandering (AGAIN), I found out the guy who hung out at the Inn wasn't there anymore, but an elderly man, who tells for free the latest rumors. One of then is about the Rah (Ra? Lah?) Mirror. Seems the key for it is in a city near some waterfalls, off to the west.
Go to the west, find a sign, it's southeast from there. Keep going on and you'll see first a cave (you can't do a thing there; there's just an old man talking about broken dreams), and then the city. Oh yes, all is fine and dandy. And it's Wandering Time (TM) again! Which promptly ends after a) finding out the inn has no spare rooms to stay in and b) talking to a very grumpy Geena (Jiina... maybe Xena? Heehee...), an old lady who is living in the basement of the church.
Apparently, she went with a guy into the cave looking for some treasure, then she came out alone. Passed the rest of her days living in the church. When you wake up... you're in the past! Just to watch the water go blood red. Some guy with glasses will tell you what's happening.
Going to the cave source of the water, you'll see Geena (well, a barely clad blonde girl, instead of an old lady) cleaning her weapon, blabbing something about how she killed him herself (Iria, her lover). Go downstairs three times, find a guy with Dragoon-ish armor fighting, beat a boss, and then go back. Turns out he was Iria.
By the way, the boss was a piece of cake. Problem was, he confused Hassan and I didn't know what to use to cure Confusion. Gah. Good thing Mireya just got a really good ice spell in the last levelup (30+ damage per turn, not bad!).
And he goes off with the Mirror Key and Geena, needed to enter the Moon Mirror Tower. At least he's grateful and gives you some ring of his. Go back to the church's basement, and sleep again. Oh, look, back to the present. Geena talks about how your party appeared in her dreams and saved her from them (y'know, the "the-blood-won't-disappear" thing), and Iria (now an old man) enters the room. Happy meeting, and you're now the rightful owner of the key.
That's it for today. Oh, hey, Blogger's got piccies of their own now! Let me try, let me try... (wonder if it does the conversion from ZSNES' BMP pics itself?)
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