miércoles, febrero 04, 2009

GSAT: Geek Social Aptitude Test

Vaya, pues parece que soy bastante social, según este test. Muchas de las preguntas eran demasiado "hardcore", en mi opinión, pero algunas estaban clavadas :-D. Curioso, como mínimo.

You Scored a 9 Out Of 50
You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

Nota de Tonks: A mí me salió 7 de 50. Efectivamente las preguntas eran demasiado radicales. La gran mayoría de los frikis no son tan frikis. En fin...

1 comentario:

  1. Jiji....

    You Scored a 11 Out Of 50
    You wear a "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me" shirt you bought at Hot Topic, but you rarely have trouble gathering a crew to play Left 4 Dead at your place. Sure, you might not have been prom king, but you've found your niche and similar people to you and you're making it work for yourself. You can't really argue with that.

    Y sí, son tela radicales... Hay que ser un treki salido de La Venganza de los Novatos (a propóxito, qué gran peli :-P) para sacar buena nota en este test!! xD
