Well, actually, it's nothing special. It's just that I'm going to make my first circuit ever for that Microcontrollers project. It's pretty simple. Ever heard of the game Simon? You know, the one with the buttons and the lights, where you have to repeat the pattern displayed by the computer.
It's just that. Last Friday, my teacher helped me place the components on the board. Half the stuff I bought didn't work in the end =|. We desoldered some buttons from an old printer's control panel, and then added the LEDs I bought (red, green, yellow and orange), 4 resistors from some odd box in the lab (got to look up their resistance, but they're prolly around 1k ohms) and a pin strip my teacher brought.
Then basically, solder, solder and solder. Looks purdy now. Next Friday we're going to connect everything. We might in the future add its own CPU and power supply (i.e.: batteries) so it'd be autonomous, but that's just a possibility.
Soldering isn't all that hard, it just takes some getting used to. That, and watching the soldering alloy melt like *poof* is a little unnerving. It's good to know it's actually because it's made that way.
Well, that's it for this post.
Spirits are always with you,
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