sábado, mayo 21, 2005


Well, I think I FINALLY got pictures working. No thanks to that lousy junk, Hello. At least, if you're not going to work, tell me WHY, jeez.

Here's the first pic: it's the battle screen.

You can see there, from top to bottom, the options:

  • Kougeki (normal and strong attacks)

  • Special: depending on the character, you may have different special moves. Zakuro has an useful attack which damages all opponents (Zakuro Blade), Ichigo has her trademark attack, and Ringo has healing moves (a good thing, since she has lousy HP).

  • Ryakku (Items): Need I say anything? Oh, btw: this is Shôjo World, so items are things like Cookies, Chocolate or Ribbons.

  • Tokugi: these are individual abilities you toggle on or off. Ichigo has Yokeru ("Cheer"?), which speeds up Courage recovery.

  • Koutai: switch party members at no cost. You actually walk around with all 6 characters at once, but you can only fight with 3 at a time. Kinda like Breath of Fire 4, only you switch individuals, not whole teams.

  • Taiki: Do nothing. Recovers quite a bit of Courage.

  • Nigeru: Run away.

You can look at the party members' HP at the top of the screen, along with their level and Courage bar. Most Special moves use 1 or 2 hearts and all strong Attacks use 1 heart.

Those jellyfish-like things are Paraparas (no, it's not the dance xDD). They corrupt animals' DNA and turn them into monsters, basically. Oh, and what's really weird is that you can actually see your opponent's HP!

This pic here is from the start of a boss fight with Kishu. As expected, he wasn't hard at all: this is just a game based on an anime, not a real RPG, so it's made to be real easy. Healing with Ringo and basically throwing everyone else at him was good enough. Special moves didn't seem to work with him, though.

Forgot to tell this game has something I've never seen before: when you're going to be attacked, you actually have the choice to Evade or Parry. Sometimes it depends: with Evade, you might not receive any damage at all, but if you do, you'll take full damage. Parry always halves the damage.

So, for those pesky weak monsters that appear when you're exploring somewhere you've been before, Evade's the option. Not for boss monsters... Kishu did about 25-28 damage to Ringo in one hit WITH Parry. Had he hit when I tried to Evade, he'd have knocked her out in one hit.

More pics:

  • Slumber party (this IS a shôjo game after all):

    Purin: Wah, just as expected! Not a single slip, no! And I'd only brought these pajamas with me! (talking about Minto having a bunch of different ones)

  • Talking with Zakuro (a la Tokimeki Memorial):
    In case you're curious, the options are: "What might be Kishu's objectives?", "I wonder what's for dessert today?" and "That pendant might be a Mew Aqua...".

  • And last but not least: the WEIRD baddie!
    He's a guy, honest. He DEFINITELY sounds like one. No, don't look at the ribbon. Nah, the eyelashes and the purple lipstick are perfectly manly. Of course.

    Kishu: What do you want? I don't want people butting into my affairs, you know.

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