domingo, mayo 08, 2005

Shoukai (Introduction)


Just checking if I can actually post something. I'll be the one who'll be putting up computer-related things here (I'm a Computer Science student), along with mixed commentary on anime/manga series, Ragnarok, food, my Japanese language studies, that weird thing called 'my dog', and... my oh so wonderful uni. Maybe. And whatever comes up.

Do look forward to our The Great Wisdom of Tuxedo Kamen (-sama for the fans, if he's got actually any serious fans) section. I've got all the sounds/images extracted and prepared, I "just" have to make the Flash clip, along with its Actionscript code. Though Actionscript's quite easy to debug.

Let's see:
- Rose from the Sailor Moon arcade game (it's a Taito arcade system game)
- Tuxedo Kamen chibis from the Sailor Moon SuperS Fuwa Fuwa Panic Rom
- Sounds from the anime (obviously, the original Japanese seiyuu... you DON'T want to listen to the American voices... it's like Sailor Yogi Bear Moon!)
- And of course those gems of wisdom Naoko Takeuchi has to offer through Mamoru-kun.

Too bad I can't use LaTeX to make this site... yeah. xDD I'm addicted to it. Still discovering new things all the time. It's... big. There's no way to learn it in a sitting.

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